Below you will find the solution to the Da Vinci's Marvel Puzzle Box

On this page you will find the solution to the puzzle. Have fun solving the puzzles!

You can use the key with page 51. And then set the sliders to the numbers 15 16 10 12. Then open the final compartment to place a present inside.

Solution Symbol 1 = 15

Solution Symbol 2 = 12

Solution Symbol 3 = 16

There are several ways to place the gears, but only with this solution is the "10" can be seen.

Solution Symbol 4 = 10

Turn the wheels so that the sum of the numbers always adds up to 51

Solution = 51

You can now use the key with page 51. And then set the sliders to the numbers 15 16 10 12. To then open the final compartment.

You can use the key to set the sliders to the numbers 15 16 10 12. Then put the final compartment back on and push the sliders back in.

Now the puzzle box can be solved again by other players.