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The Legacy of Stonehenge

For centuries, the mythological connections between Stonehenge and King Arthur and his knights have been reported. Some believe that Arthur is still alive,
hidden in Avalon, just waiting for the right time to return and reclaim Britain. Only recently has a mysterious energy been discovered in the land, emanating from the ancient stones of Stonehenge. It is as if the stone itself is emitting a barely audible hum. Something extraordinary is brewing, and you are there to help
invited to take a seat in the front row. Together with some of the
world's most renowned scientists, you were asked to come to England
to examine the Druid Circle up close. Apparently
your good reputation as a puzzle expert is now known throughout the world.

When you arrive at the site, you are besieged by reporters who ask you to explain what is going on at the Stonehenge site. But so far, you have no answers. The ancient site is teeming with
Scientists who handle all kinds of strange equipment.
Entering the center of the mystical circle, you can literally feel the pulsing of the stones on your skin. The background noise around you begins to fade into a distant murmur. It feels as if you are under
water. But suddenly a deep voice breaks the silence.

“Let me go and the treasures of the ancients will be yours,” says the voice that seems to come from nowhere and from everywhere at the same time. You feel the irrepressible urge to stand in front of the central stone of this incredible building
As you place your hands on the rock, which feels pleasantly warm
feels, you will discover a loose plate. When you open it, a wooden box comes out
which is littered with symbols and mechanisms.

“Let me go,” the voice demands once again, before a loud crack in
your ears and everything around returns to normal. When you notice that none of the other scientists witness this phenomenon or
After seeing the found artifact, you hide the box under the
jacket and scurry away. Once you're in the hotel room, you examine the box more closely and discover that something even more valuable is locked inside. If only you could open it...